My life has turned into a bad chick lit novel. Seriously. You know the books. They're always about a young woman who lives in the big city, going through adventure after adventure while living the single life. Yup, my life is now kind of like that, just more embarassing and less exciting. Something happened yesterday that just about killed me from embarassment. Seriously, it was through no fault of my own. Okay, maybe it
was partly my fault, but most of it was someone else's. Is this confusing you? Good, then I'm not the only one! Sorry, no further details will be given to protect the pride of the embarrassed. (That's me.)

If you're looking for a
good chick lit read, try one of these on for size. They're great.
Jemima J., by Jane Green
Good in Bed, Jennifer Weiner
Asking for Trouble, Elizabeth Young
Angels, Marian Keyes
For Better, For Worse, by Carole Matthews
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