Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Handmade Jewelry Online

One of the things that I have been loving lately is handmade jewelry. Not handmade by me, but handmade by gifted artisans that live in the internet somewhere. Not too long ago I got daughter A. a cute necklace from SweetHeartSinner, a wonderful artist on Etsy. This is one of her necklaces. Doesn't it just scream girl power?

BTW, this pic is borrowed from sweetheartsinner's shop on etsy.

Just the other day, though, I found a terrific site called This is just like, but it doesn't charge seller fees like Etsy. This sometimes means that the sellers adjust their pricing accordingly. A good deal for all around, right? :)

Now, if I can only keep myself from buying really cute stuff that I really shouldn't. Like cherry earrings from Paw & Claw Designs. Yes, cherry earrings! Doesn't everybody have cherry earrings? Well, if you don't, maybe you should hurry. As artfire's featured artisan of the week, Paw & Claw Designs is offering 20% off and I just found out that today is the last day to get the discount.

BTW, this gorgeous pic is borrowed from Paws & Claws's shop.

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