Thursday, September 10, 2009

I Know What You Meme

This meme comes from 2nd Cup of Coffee. I found it via Over the Moon with Joy (isn't that a beautiful name for a blog?). So, here goes...

1. When you go to Wowmart, what one thing do you get every single time, besides a funky-wheeled squeaking cart full of frustration?

Dog food. It seems like everytime I go it's for dogfood. Whenever I get lucky, I also get something from the clearance section. :)

2. What is something that people are currently "into" that you just don't get or appreciate?

Social networking. I just don't understand it. I'm trying, though. Just last week I signed up for facebook. Who knows how that will turn out!

3. What is something that really hoists your sail that other people might feel "ho-hum" about?

I get really excited about my pets. Seriously. I'll go on and on about my horse, my chickens, etc. Yes, I understand that you may not be as interested (if you're interested at all) but bear with it because I'm going to tell you anyway!

4. Favorite song to sing in the shower or car?

For some reason I've always loved to sing All Cried Out. Not the new one by Allure, but the original one with Lisa Lisa. Yes, I'm old school like that.

5. A really great salad must have this ingredient:

Ranch dressing. Preferably low calorie. :)

6. Advice in a nutshell to new bloggers (one or two sentences):

Don't worry about getting readers. Just do your thing and enjoy yourself.

7. What was the alternate name that your parents almost named you? Do you wish they had chosen it instead of the one they gave you?

Cher. Yes, like the singer. If they'd named me that, I'd probably have ended up calling myself Cherry. That's so much cuter than Michelle that I don't think I'd mind it so much. :)

8. What in your life are you waiting for?

Freedom. My life has changed a lot in the past year. I'm waiting for freedom. Not so much a release from responsibilities, but freedom to do, to breathe.

9. You get a package in the mail. What is it, and who is it from?

It's surely something from ebay or amazon. Can ebay be an addiction? It's my vicio. I recently ordered a sword and a sword DVD online. Oh, yeah. Mama's going to have fun with that!

10. Today--what song represents you?

It changes from day to day. Most of my "Video of the Day"s represent some facet of my life at that point in my time. Today's would probably be Calle 13's Atrevete-Te-Te or Aventura's Dime.

11. What is one thing that blogging has taught you about yourself?

Perhaps that I'm my own person. There is nobody like me. (Thank God! Can you imagine two of me??)

12. How are you going to (or how did you) choose the clothes you're wearing today? What do they say about you in general or specifically how you're feeling today?
I generally roll out of bed and pick whatever I can find that doesn't need ironing (too much, at least). Today I'm wearing a cute sleeveless shirt with jeans. Oh, yeah. My jeans are cut off at the bottoms, frayed, but neatly trimmed.

What do my clothes say about me? That I'm a bit lazy and don't care about fashion too much. There are too many other things to worry about! Even a going-out outfit looks pretty much the same, except that I wear strappy black heels instead of workboots!

Pic borrowed from here.

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