Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Video of the Day: You Were Meant for Me

Listening to the radio this morning, A. & I heard this song came on. I told her about something that happened forever ago, back in the dark ages, when I was recording this song as the music for friends to hear when they paged me. Yes, paged. On a pager (aka beeper). Those cool little gadget thingys that nobody could live without back in the days before cellphones were affordable for regular people.

This cool pager pic was borrowed from here.

Anyhow, a very dear friend called me while I was recording the song, so I told him to call the beeper & tell me what he thought of it. After calling it, he called me back and asked me if the song was for him. Um, no... Yup, I was a heartbreaker! Anyhow, it was just a good song & I totally adored Jewel. So, here's the song. I hope you enjoy it. And no- it's not dedicated to you.

1 comment:

bfsfangirl said...

LOL!!! That's hilarious and Jewel is good. I was listening to "Foolish Games" while driving the other day...