Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hygiene Kits for Kids

Sorry for the not-too-good pictures. I took them about 1 a.m. when I really should have been sleeping. Hmm. Maybe I was sleeping when I took them. That explains a bit. Anyhow, this is the special project I mentioned before. A. and I have been working on these bags for about 1 ½ months. The bags are actually hygiene kits for homeless kids and teens helped by SUFK (Stand Up For Kids).

Kids and teens are a cause that’s dear to my heart, whether it's the kids at the neighborhood school or the kids living on the street who are unable to attend school. SUFK goes out and hits the streets, looking for homeless kids, street kids, kids who are at risk. They provide them with food, hygiene kits, and an ear to listen.

What you see in the pic are some of the hygiene kits that my family finished assembling on Memorial Day. They have all the basics that a street kid can use to maintain personal hygiene. Each kit includes a brush, comb, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, shampoo, etc. As a little extra something, the bags also include comic books that we stumbled across in a local thrift store. All the comics are rated T for teen. (It’s a good thing, too. Some of those books can get a bit racy/violent/bloody!)

What’s the point of this post? My point is… these kids are not on the street because they want to be. They’re out there because they feel they have to. Perhaps they come from abusive homes. Maybe they were kicked out. Maybe they’re second-generation homeless. Can you imagine how hard it must be for them to get from day to day? Every child needs a home. All these children need to be helped so that they can rise above their adversities and break the cycle. They should get to sleep under a safe roof in a warm bed just like the rest of us. They need love and understanding. If I can’t get out there and give them that, at least I can contribute toothbrushes and such.

If you can help in some way, please do so. It doesn’t have to be through Stand Up For Kids. It can be another organization in your area. It doesn’t have to be a monetary donation or a donation of goods. Maybe you can go and serve dinner at a homeless shelter or go and volunteer at a children’s shelter or organization. There are so many young people that need help. There are so many of us who can give it. Why don’t we, however we can? :)

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