This is the Queen of Hearts Mary Jane, available on the Kohl's website. Please tell me why I'm even looking at shoes. This is not the thing one would wear to work everyday. Well, not normal people anyway. I'm saying this while I sit in my office wearing a Bowling for Soup rocker t-shirt, a torn pair of jeans with ragged hems and a homemade safety-pinned BFS patch, and a big ole pair of thick-heeled clubbish boots. In an office.
On second thought, these mary janes might be the perfect thing to wear to work. An improvement, maybe? Now, if I could only find them a bit cheaper than $51.99 plus $4.99 for shipping and who-knows-how-much for tax. I checked online and could only find a similar pair of flats for $20-ish. But no. I want the cute mjs instead. Sigh. Maybe after Halloween? Apparently these are costume shoes. I have no idea why. I'd wear them to work and.. Oh, hold on. I only go to work. Never mind!! I'd wear them to work. lol.
$28 and free shipping on those shoes (size 8) at Buy.com
Here's the link: http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=208874476&loc=65499
I always use bizrate.com to look for low prices. Very pretty shoes!
I love you, honey!!!
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