Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Smaller, but not Broken

It's been a while since I've posted on here. In the past few weeks, major drama has been happening to my family. Actually, major drama had been happening, I just wasn't aware of it. Anyhow, to make a long, heartbreaking story short and uncomplicated, for many, many years my loving husband had been loving where he shouldn't have been. He is now out of my life, pretty much. He's gone and hasn't called for a few days. Which is a good thing, but it makes me wonder what he's doing out there in this big, bad world.

So now daughter A. and I are living in blissful semi-bachelorettedom. I've already spoken to my folks and they'll be moving in with us pretty soon. We have plenty of room and it will help us out a bit with expenses.

The title of this blog? It refers to my family/home. It may be smaller, but it's definitely not broken. In fact, it's on the mend & is getting better every day.

What prompted this whole outpouring? I just figured out my expenses and am pleasantly surprised (to put it verly mildly) to see that, YES, I will be able to afford the bills all on my own. My daughter and I are blessed. We're making it out of this together. The going isn't and won't be easy, but we can do it.

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